How do we turn pine into paradise and make it profitable?

The Problem:

New Zealand has 400,000 hectares of Small Scale Pine Tree Blocks with no long term vision.

This is the equivalent land area of 6.5x lake Taupō's or 4x super cities the size of Auckland.

The other 70% of New Zealands Pine Tree Blocks (1.1 Million hectares) are controlled by offshore pension funds and large multinationals from the USA, EU and China.

These pine tree blocks of land are an unattainable asset for most - although a lot of them are being sold via public forums - what if every New Zealander could invest in these large assets without needing to be a forestry expert?

The Vision:

To create a movement where everyday New Zealander’s can invest directly, big or small, into NZ forests, and profitably regenerate them along the way. Let’s turn pine into paradise.

Our lofty dream is to purchase 400,000 hectares of locally owned blocks that currently have no long term vision with the help of you - like-minded New Zealanders who care about the future health of our land.

After we purchase these purchase blocks, we will process the pine to provide investors with a return and then plant these out with native New Zealand fauna.

Plant → harvest → regenerate → plant → harvest → regenerate → cont..

By restoring our land we will transform the great NZ road trip from pine to paradise, giving back to papatūānuku and future generations.